DS Phat/Lite users: Go to settings in the DS menu, and turn on auto-start, so your flashcard will start on boot.
Skip this, if you don’t see your flashcard.
Extract the content(s) of Autoboot/(your flashcard) to the root of the flashcard’s microSD card.
To use the above features, you need to launch your flashcard via TWLMenu++ instead of the system menu.
With this enabled you can use SELECT + Up/ Down to switch between your internal SD card and your flashcard’s SD card.
This will let you use TWL clock speed and/or VRAM boost on your flashcard games, as well as both accessing the console’s SD card, and running DSi-Enhanced/DSi-Exclusive/DSiWare games in DSi mode from your flashcard.
settings page, and turn on SCFG access in Slot-1 and set Slot-1: Touch Mode to DSi Mode
DSi/3DS users: Run TWLMenu++ on the console’s SD card, open TWLMenu++ Settings, switch to the Misc.
DS Phat/Lite users: If booting BOOT.NDS causes a white screen lock-up, insert a DS Memory Expansion Pak, and try again.
sav files, which are in your DS ROM location, to a new folder called saves, which also goes in the DS ROM location
If you already have save data, move your.
Copy the roms folder to your flashcard’s microSD card root.
Copy the BOOT.NDS file to your flashcard’s microSD card root.
Copy the _nds folder to your flashcard’s microSD card root.